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The Benefits of Fasting in Tackling Brain Fog: A Path to Reduced Inflammation

Let's talk about fasting and how it can help with brain fog. You might already know that inflammation plays a big role in how we feel mentally. Fasting is one of those strategies that can make a real difference by minimizing inflammation throughout the body.

Fasting and Inflammation

When you fast, especially for around 18 hours, your body undergoes some pretty amazing changes. One of the key processes that kicks in is autophagy. Think of autophagy as the body's natural cleanup crew—it gets rid of damaged cells and helps regenerate new, healthy ones. This process is crucial for reducing inflammation and supporting overall health, including brain function.

The Ideal Fasting Window

For fasting to be effective, try aiming for at least an 18-hour fasting window. This leaves you with a 6-hour period to eat. During this time, your body has enough opportunity to enter the autophagy phase, which is when most of the cleanup and repair happens.

What to Eat During Your Eating Window

Now, let's talk about what to eat when you're not fasting. To keep inflammation at bay and support your brain health:

- Avoid simple carbohydrates because they can cause blood sugar spikes and increase inflammation.

- Limit complex carbohydrates and instead focus on consuming healthy fats and proteins.

One of my go-to proteins is eggs. Not just any eggs, though—I'm talking about eggs from healthy, free-run chickens that haven't been exposed to antibiotics or chemicals. Healthy chickens lay healthy eggs, which are packed with nutrients that are great for your body and brain.

Room for Improvement

No matter where you are in your fasting journey, there's always room to improve. Start with a fasting duration that you can handle comfortably and gradually increase it as you get more accustomed. The goal is to reach that sweet spot of 18 hours to really reap the benefits.

Wrapping It Up

Fasting can be a game-changer for reducing inflammation and clearing up brain fog. By sticking to an 18-hour fasting window and focusing on a diet rich in healthy fats and proteins during your eating period, you can support your brain health and enhance mental clarity. And don't forget to include high-quality proteins like eggs from healthy chickens to get the most out of your meals.

Embrace the process, let your body clean up and repair itself through autophagy, and enjoy a sharper, clearer mind.

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